Water World - Aquatic Plant

Aquatic Plant

This is Aquatic Plant or also called hydrophytic plants or hydrophytes. I took this photo at Wale (Warung Leha Lela) using my camera phone.


Anonymous said…
i have one of this at home.
i thought wale is warung lela. love their noodle. so tasty :)
Bunyamin Najmi said…
iya euy...seharusnya Warung Lela. Salah lagi, terlalu nafsu kale nulisnya. BTW makasih atas koreksinya alaya...
Bunyamin Najmi said…
iya euy...seharusnya Warung Lela. Salah lagi, terlalu nafsu kale nulisnya. BTW makasih atas koreksinya alaya...