Growing to Love the Hijab

hijab for kid
This is Nabilla, she is so lovely with hijab. BTW, below i just quoted the great article about how to  encourage your daughter to wear hijab.

How can you help your daughter to wear hijab? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Be an example. If you wear hijab then there is a greater chance that your daughter will want to wear it too. She will see that it is a part of your life and will try to copy you.

Ask any hijabi mother and she will tell you that her toddler knows when she is about to leave the house when her toddler sees her in hijab. This is an early implicit lesson on a woman being covered whenever she leaves her home.

Approximately at about 1 and a half years of age your daughter will start to play dress-ups with your hijabs. This is when she pretends to be like you. At this stage let her play with whatever hijab she wants. Do not worry about your best hijab being ruined. The cost of her not covering later will be more than the cost to your hejab if you do not encourage her to hijab herself, even in play.

2. Provide her with hijabs. When your daughter starts to play dress-ups with your hijab, start to provide her with her own ones. Try to buy matching ones for her clothes. This will encourage her to wear them outside as well.

3. Allow her to wear the hijab. Allow your daughter to wear the hijab whenever and wherever she wants. Even if it means going to preschool or the shops or that it is hot. If she wants to wear a green scarf with a pink dress on a hot humid day then let her. At this point, it is better to encourage her as much as possible. Do not stop her from wearing it any way she wants.

4. Praise her. Whenever you see her with a scarf on, praise her, even while she is in play. Say, "Masha Allah, Allah loves you when you cover!" and "You look beautiful, masha Allah!" This will give recognition to her actions and encourage her to do it more often.

5. Encourage her to wear it when going out. Once your daughter is used to wearing the scarf in the home, encourage her to wear it whenever you go out somewhere, for example, to Islamic functions.

The article taken from: this source
