

Ripe mangoes sold by street vendors on the sidewalk of Jalan Otista Bandung. Mango is one of my favorite fruit, the flesh of a mango is juicy and the flavor is pleasant and high in sugars and acid.

This photo was shot by my wife Yuli, using Creative DiviCam 316 and retouched using Picasa2 (free software from Google).


Anonymous said…
wow is it manggo season now? what about duku, durian and rambutan???
Kate said…
Mangoes in this part of the US are pretty non-existent. Lately, however, more stores carry them for us consumers who want them!! The colours are wonderful and make my mouth water!
Anonymous said…
yummy, what a selection, they're delicious =)
Denton said…
The first two blogs I brought up had fruit today (Akita and yours). That and Kriz, at Szentes DP, had a fruit analysis yesterday. I think there is a trend.
Anonymous said…
Reminds me, my mum brought over 2 mangoes when she visited few days ago. It's still in the fridge. I gotta eat them tonight! I love mangoes.
Bunyamin Najmi said…
Mangoes are everywhere in Bandung now...

Coni, iya lagi musim mangga nich di Bandung.

Kate, do you like mangoes too?

Jazzy, can you get Mangoes there?

Denton, we love fruits...hehehe

Keropok man, Cool mangoes is "cool"