Moon Cake Festival

Moon Cake Festival Photo

The Moon Cake festival also known as the Moon or Mid-Autumn festival falls on October 6 in the year 2006.

Cihampelas Walk celebrate Moon Cake, from October 1st until October 8th with Chinese traditional music fiesta and baked goods fair.


Anonymous said…
A very happy looking building. Are there moon cakes to eat? If so what are they made from? What do they taste like?
Anonymous said…
its always exciting to see chinese culture being celebrated outside you will try the yummy moon cake :)

ps. nice colourful shot!
~tanty~ said…
Kuenya bisa dimakan? Lah, nanti kalo dimakan, bentuknya jadi berantakan dong :)
Ineke said…
Why is it called moon cake?
Anonymous said…
Hi salam kenal ya... more photos on Bandung jajanan please.... judulnya :)
Bunyamin Najmi said…
coni, salam kenal juga...stay tune terus di sini nanti photo jajanannya pasti muncul...

Guys, I never eat this cake yet...
annulla said…
Very vibrant photo -- wonderful colors on that building. Great job!