Fried Chicken from Cabe Rawit Cafe

Fried Chicken from Cabe Rawit Cafe
"Ayam Goreng" or traditional Fried Chicken from Cabe Rawit Cafe. It has a mix from traditional and modern cafe atmosphere with dim lighting and location around Dago, precisely at Jalan Teuku Umar.


selana18 said…
Vey interesting photo and meal some of the matterials are completely unfamiliar to me
Sally said…
What is the black round food? Looks a bit like a huge mushroom?
Bunyamin Najmi said…
sally, the black round is a container for sauce. The container made by stone.

Selena18, the meal are chicken, tofu, tempe (fermented soybean food), cucumber, tomato and the green one is it container.
Carlos Lorenzo said…
I too thought the cointaner was some kinid of fruit, but on resizing i noticed the cointainer. Anyway I was intrigued about ingredients and finally I read your comments. Thanks, I love to try "exotic" (Western term perhaps for different food) dishes. This one looks yummy.
Ineke said…
Looking gooood !
Anonymous said…
i loved to eat Indonesian food being there. Its more healthy then Hungarian:)
Anonymous said…
tempeh and sambal..yum yum!
ps. i must visit the Indonesian restaurant in Budapest soon ;)
Anonymous said…
the yellow one on the top is tofu??
thats attracted my eyes...and tummy!!


kaa said…
this looks good. sure it tastes good too. spicy?!
Anonymous said…
aaahhh, teganya... teganya... *ngiler berat*