Sumur Bandung (Bandung City Wells)

Sumur Bandung (Bandung City Wells)
From Wikipedia:

R.A. Wiranatakusumah II, the chief administration of Bandung regency at that time, moved its office from Krapyak, in the south, to a place near a pair of holy city wells (sumur Bandung), now it is alun-alun (city square). He built his dalem (palace), masjid agung (the grand mosque) and pendopo (public-official meeting place) in the classical orientation. The pendopo faces Tangkuban Perahu mountain, who was elieved to have a mystical ambience.

This is Sumur Bandung (Bandung City Wells), supposedly protected by the ancient goddess “Nyi Kentring Manik”.


andri said…
Sumur Bandung itu ada beneran toh...kirain cuma nama doang...:-)
Bunyamin Najmi said…
Memang ada beneran lokasinya di cikapundung, di terasnya PLN Cikapundung.
~tanty~ said…
Wajah baru nih. Lebih rapi. Bagus loh ..
Bunyamin Najmi said…
Hooh, biar agak beda, gitu...
Annie said…
This looks rich and important.
Anonymous said…
Hmm I don't understand the earlier posts (except Annie's) :) Though I must agree with Annie that it looks very rich and important...I feel it's a sacred it?