Patung Ikan ( Fish Sculpture)

Patung Ikan ( Fish Sculpture) is one of sculptures in Bandung City that made by Nyoman Nuarta. Location at Moch Toha T-intersection, not far from PT. Inti (Persero) building.

Patung Ikan ( Fish Sculpture)


Unknown said…
I spent my childhood until graduated from STBA in Bandung. It's so nice to see this city again through your blog. Welcome to DP family. BTW, have you informed Eric from Paris DP about your blog?
Unknown said…
One more thing. I noticed that you set up the comment setting that anonymous does not allow to leave comment. Maybe you didn't realize it or you did it on purpose but I think you'd better change the comment setting into anyone so other than blogger can leave comment on your blog :)
Tomate Farcie said…
Good point Tanty! And welcome to the DP community :)
Bunyamin Najmi said…
Thank you tanty, tomate farcie. I forgot to change the comment setting.