The Healing Garden

The Healing Garden
This garden located on 9th floor Santosa Bandung International Hospital, it called “The Healing Garden”.


Annie said…
It would seem quite possible to relax in this garden, to bring the mind and body into union here. Surely that would aid health.
Maya Hirai said…
ur blog is so cool!, Talk about our city in english! i'll try again to post in my english blog. Thank u for coming there
~tanty~ said…
The Healing Garden, perfect name.
Bunyamin Najmi said…
Annie, thanks for your comment

Maya, origaminya ok juga tu...

Santy, kok bisa sama, ya... alhamdulillah nggak batuk. Pas dinas ke sana terus aku photo, malah sempat ke helipadnya yang membuat dengkul gemetaran

Tanty, burungnya kecapean tu...terbang melulu...hehehe...becanda
edwin s said…
ya, bisa untuk healing purposes.
trully a healing garden...