Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP)

Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP)
Bandung Indah Plaza doesn’t want to lose consumer and defeated by new mall. They make major change by extend its building, renovate its interior, more new outlet, clean up its yard and put line of café on it.


Unknown said…
Wah, BIP jadi bagusan dan lebih rapi ya. Seingatku dulu crowded banget di pintu masuknya. I'm sure I will stop by BIP when I visit Bandung on November this year, insya Allah.
Anonymous said…
nice blog, salam kenal :)
Bunyamin Najmi said…
Tanty, kalo ke Bandung jg lupa kasih tau saya, ya...

Hi Eric salam kenal juga, makasih banyak...